Where in the world

There are fragmentary bones of Leedsichthys in many museums across the world. The only complete list of institutions with Leedsichthys specimens ever published was in Dr Jeff Liston’s paper ‘The occurrence of the Middle Jurassic pachycormid fish Leedsichthys’, Oryctos Vol 9, 2010. This is a revised and updated version of that list.

If you know of any other specimens or would like us to add a link to your institution, please contact us at peterboroughmuseum.org.uk/contact

Click on the Museum for collection details

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Sedgwick Museum collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
CAMSM J.27416 [unknown] 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] hypobranchial
CAMSM J.27417 [unknown] 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ?hypobranchial
CAMSM J.27148 [unknown] 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] partial callus formation
CAMSM J.27419 [unknown] 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] partial callus formation
CAMSM J.27420 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] preopercular ridge fragment
CAMSM.J27421 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible dorsal fin spine tip
CAMSM J.27422 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible dorsal fin spine tip
CAMSM J.27423 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible dorsal fin spine tip
CAMSM J.27425 ? ? Whittlesea odd ‘junction’ bone – tip of a lepidotrichium? Like J.67424
CAMSM J.27426 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment
CAMSM J.27427 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment
CAMSM J.27428 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragmentt – links to J.27433
CAMSM J.27429 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment
CAMSM J.27430 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment
CAMSM J.27431 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment (2)
CAMSM J.27432 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragment
CAMSM J.27433 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] pectoral fin ray fragmentt – links to J.27428
CAMSM J.27434 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] ?juvenile hypobranchial?
CAMSM J.27435 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] unident. frag. (1)
CAMSM J.27436 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] unident. frag. (1)
CAMSM J.27437 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] possible propercular fragment (1)
CAMSM J.27438 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] hypobranchial (1)
CAMSM J.27439 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] proximal radial (1)
CAMSM J.27440 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] dorsal fin spine (1)
CAMSM J.27441 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] proximal radial (1)
CAMSM J.27442 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] proximal radial (1)
CAMSM J.27443 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] dorsal fin spine (1)
CAMSM J.27444 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] dorsal fin spine or curved element, possible tooth mark
CAMSM J.27445 Alfred Nicholson Leeds ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] bifurcating fin ray (4)
CAMSM J.35320 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] connects to X.50124/LP.15 – left parietal with ceratobranchial and mass of gill rakers (“showing hooks on ‘branchiostegal'”)
CAMSM J.46873 Henry Keeping 1899 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] dorsal fin ray series (figured by von Huene) including dorsal ‘support’?, a-right hyomandibula
CAMSM J.46874 Henry Keeping 1898 [Fletton, Northamptonshire] stegosaur armour (figured by HG Seeley)
CAMSM J.46875 1899 UNSEEN
CAMSM J.46876 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.46877 1902 Whittlesea dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.46878 1902 Whittlesea dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.46879 Henry Keeping 1902 Whittlesea stegosaur tail spine
CAMSM J.66124 Whittlesea J.66124/6/7/8 all join to make root of caudal ray like V3362 (“plesiosaurian”)
CAMSM J.66126 Whittlesea J.66124/6/7/8 all join to make root of caudal ray like V3362 (“?crocodilian”)
CAMSM J.66127 Whittlesea J.66124/6/7/8 all join to make root of caudal ray like V3362 (“?crocodilian”)
CAMSM J.66128 Whittlesea J.66124/6/7/8 all join to make root of caudal ray like V3362 (“?crocodilian”)
CAMSM J.66920 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] pectoral fragment
CAMSM J.66921 ? 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66922 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] pectoral fragment
CAMSM J.66923 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] distal end of preopercle
CAMSM J.66924 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66925 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66926 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66927 ? ? ? parts of two adjacent ceratobranchials
CAMSM J.66928 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] two hypobranchials
CAMSM J.66929 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] pectoral fragment
CAMSM J.66930 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] two hypobranchials
CAMSM J.66931 ? 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] mass of gill rakers
CAMSM J.66932 ? 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] mass of gill rakers
CAMSM J.66933 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment
CAMSM J.66935 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66936 ? 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66937 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66938 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] bone fragments – ?left preopercle, 593mm long
CAMSM J.66939 ? ? Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66940 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66941 ? ? Fletton [Huntingdonshire] probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.66942 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] J.66942 glued to J.66943 – ceratobranchial termination
CAMSM J.66943 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] J.66942 glued to J.66943 – ceratobranchial termination
CAMSM J.66944 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] tip of probable caudal fragment
CAMSM J.67413 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] unident. frag. (resemblance to ophthalmosaur prefrontal/postorbital)
CAMSM J.67414 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] proximal end of dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.67415 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] radiale fragment
CAMSM J.67416 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] strongly curved element (like eg V3363, but much smaller) although passing resemblance to ophthalmosaur left clavicle
CAMSM J.67417 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] small ‘starred’ bone like Cambridge V.787
CAMSM J.67418 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] radiale fragment
CAMSM J.67419 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] large circular articular surface – unident. – resembles ‘joint’ of Butterfly bone
CAMSM J.67420 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] bone fragments – right parietal (juvenile)
CAMSM J.67421 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] distal part of preopercle or Butterfly bone
CAMSM J.67422 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] strong resemblance to GLAHM ?gastralium (possibly pathological – NOT V1688)
CAMSM J.67423 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] dorsal fin spine element, possibly with flattened callus/joint
CAMSM J.67424 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] circular articular surface, like J.27425, possible teeth fragments embedded in it
CAMSM J.67425 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] proximal radial fragment
CAMSM J.67426 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] distal end of dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.67427 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible dorsal fin spine, but severely damaged
CAMSM J.67428 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible dorsal fin spine, but severely damaged
CAMSM J.67429 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] character of pectoral fin, possibly near base
CAMSM J.67430 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] as J.67423
CAMSM J.67431 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] ?hypobranchial
CAMSM J.67432 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] as J.67423
CAMSM J.67433 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] base of dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.67434 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] distal fragment of anal fin support
CAMSM J.67435 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] as J.27425
CAMSM J.67436 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] possible pectoral-related element
CAMSM J.67437 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] inferior end of left cleithrum (see F.174/10,004)
CAMSM J.67438 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] possible distal end of left parietal (see J.67420 and P.6921)
CAMSM J.67439 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] unident. frag.
CAMSM J.67440 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] elongate element, possibly dorsal fin spine
CAMSM J.67441 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray
CAMSM J.67442 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated and bifurcating caudal ray with possible breaks callus/joints
CAMSM J.67443 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67444 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray (possibly bifurcating) with possible break callus/joint
CAMSM J.67445 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray bifurcating with possible break callus/joint
CAMSM J.67446 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray, possibly broken through callus
CAMSM J.67447 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray, possibly broken through callus
CAMSM J.67448 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67449 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67450 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] distal tail ray fragment (just after bifurcation point)
CAMSM J.67451 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] bifurcating distal caudal ray, one hemitrichium missing (segment?)
CAMSM J.67452 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67453 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] possible hypobranchial
CAMSM J.67454 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] caudal ray fragment with callus growth
CAMSM J.67455 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67456 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67457 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray, possibly broken through callus
CAMSM J.67458 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] striated caudal ray, possibly broken through callus
CAMSM J.67459 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] caudal ray fragment
CAMSM J.67460 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] segment/callus in tail ray
CAMSM J.67461 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] stump of lepidotrichium (cast prior to growth ring sectioning by TJC)
CAMSM J.67462 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] segment/callus in tail ray
CAMSM J.67463 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] segment/callus in tail ray
CAMSM J.67464 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] possible hypobranchial
CAMSM J.67465 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] caudal ray fragment
CAMSM J.67466 ? ? [Fletton, Northamptonshire] segment/callus in tail ray, at bifurcation
CAMSM J.67467 gill raker
CAMSM J.67468 segment/callus in tail ray
CAMSM J.67469 segment/callus in tail ray, at bifurcation
CAMSM J.67470 striated caudal ray with flattened end
CAMSM J.67471 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] hypobranchial (1)
CAMSM J.67472 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67479
CAMSM J.67473 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67477
CAMSM J.67474 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] right cleithrum (1), ALMOST connects to J.67478
CAMSM J.67475 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ?left cleithrum (1)
CAMSM J.67476 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67480
CAMSM J.67477 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67473
CAMSM J.67478 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] right cleithrum (1), ALMOST connects to J.67478
CAMSM J.67479 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67472
CAMSM J.67480 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] ceratobranchial fragment (1) connects to J.67476
CAMSM J.67481 1897 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] anal fin support
CAMSM J.67483 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] pectoral fragment
CAMSM V.787 mid-line structure, see LEICT G.1105.1899
CAMSM X.39250 SWEEPINGS’ TAIL SPECIMEN – probable caudal, the proximal part of X.50125, combined length of just over 1.3 metres
CAMSM X.50109 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP6 – left preopercular ridge (with articular points/callus growth?)
CAMSM X.50110 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP5 – dorsal fin spine (see LEICT G.474.1897 and G.475.1897) with anterior/posterior flexion
CAMSM X.50111 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP8 – dorsal fin spine
CAMSM X.50112 ? 1898d Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP16 – right cleithrum
CAMSM X.50113 ? 1899 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP1 – right preopercular ridge
CAMSM X.50114 Henry Keeping (‘H.K.’) 1900 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP4 – right ceratohyal
CAMSM X.50115 ? 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP2 – hypobranchial
CAMSM X.50116 ? 1901 Fletton [Huntingdonshire] LP7 – (see ‘yellow’ identical bone in G.128.1900) – same labels as J.27420-J.27423 (see also unnumbered Ox. Clay Fletton 1901 pyrite crisis with NO LP or other number)
CAMSM X.50117 ? 1902 Whittlesea LP9 – ?label like 46877 and 46878 – dorsal fin spine
CAMSM X.50118 ? ? Whittlesea LP3 – hypobranchial
CAMSM X.50119 ? ? ? LP10 – branchial arch fragment
CAMSM X.50120 ? ? ? LP11 – piece of ceratobranchial with mass of gill rakers (reminiscent of J.35320/LP.15)
CAMSM X.50121 ? ? ? LP12 – X.50121-X.50123 form two parallel ceratobranchials
CAMSM X.50122 ? ? ? LP13 – X.50121-X.50123 form two parallel ceratobranchials
CAMSM X.50123 ? ? ? LP14 – X.50121-X.50123 form two parallel ceratobranchials
CAMSM X.50124 ? ? ? LP15 – ceratobranchial fragment with mass of gill rakers – connects to J.35320
CAMSM X.50125 ? ? ? LP17 – distal part of probable caudal X.39250 (combined length of 1.3 metres)

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in New Walk and Leicester University Museum collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
LEICT G1102.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) Board of pectoral fin ray fragments
LEICT G1103.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) Board of mounted gill rakers
LEICT G1104.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) unident. bone – apparently connects to G.1105.1899 (see also two examples in P.6930 and one in V3363)
LEICT G1105.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) unident. bone – apparently connects to G.1104.1899 (see also two examples in P.6930 and one in V3363)
LEICT G1106.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) (from board, this could G1.2005 – else unseen)
LEICT G1107.1899 Swales R Mr (gift) six bones: proximal end of L dentary, inferior end of L cleithrum, superior end of L cleithrum, end of ceratobranchial (like P.11823), plus two other bones only represented in V3363
LEICT G128.1900 Swales R Mr (gift) left parietal, ?symplectic, basiocciput, left and right preopercular ridges, 4 ceratobranchials with pectoral fin raysand gill rakers showing fine structure, one piece like J.67421, one piece like LP.7/X.50116
LEICT G236.1902 /G520.1993 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B5, =G.520.1993) two fin ray/lepidotrichial elementsmost resemble pectoral rays, although slightly smoother than might be expected
LEICT G418.1956.15 Peterborough Museum Society (purchase) originally PJ Phillips 1919 Fletton three bones: 1374= .5=left hypobranchial, .2=right hypobranchial, .4=end of ceratobranchial (.1 and .3 unseen)
LEICT G471.1897 Swales R Mr (gift)/Pocock 15/7/1896 Oxford Clay of Peterborough dorsal fin spine – resembles a proximal radial (although groove poorly defined on one side)
LEICT G472.1897 Swales R Mr (gift)/Pocock 15/7/1896 Oxford Clay of Peterborough dorsal fin spine
LEICT G473.1897 Swales R Mr (gift)/Pocock 15/7/1896 Oxford Clay of Peterborough dorsal fin spine
LEICT G474.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B6) dorsal fin spine, with anterior/posterior flexion
LEICT G475.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B6) dorsal fin spine
LEICT G476.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G477.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G478.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G479.1897 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G765.1898 Swales R Mr (gift) R hyomandibula
LEICT G343.1896 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B2) dorsal fin spine, ‘clavicular’ form
LEICT G344.1896 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B2) dorsal fin spine, see V3363 for one
LEICT G345.1896 Swales R Mr (gift) 1902 Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B2) dorsal fin spine
LEICT G451.1992 purchase unknown .1-.7=(former 02/107 or 107Xw’02) – unseen, but probably pectoral fin-rays
LEICT G519.1993 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough .1-.7=dorsal fin spines (former 02/235 or 235Xw’02 “ichthyosaur ribs”) – unseen
LEICT G1312.1899 purchase unknown Oxford Clay of Peterborough (B1) four proximal radials and two dorsal fin spines (including one possible anterior/posterior flexion).
LEICT G393.1896 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G3348.1898 Swales R Mr (gift) Oxford Clay of Peterborough unseen
LEICT G1.2005 parasphenoid (could be G.1106.1899)
LEIUG 96085 David Michael Martill 1987 Dogsthorpe Pit gill raker
LEIUG 96086 David Michael Martill 1979 [Market Deeping] fragments of actinotrichia, gill-rakers, fin-rays, ceratobranchials
LEIUG 96087 P.C. Schultz 1973 [Orton Pit] ceratobranchial, pectoral fin-ray and gill raker fragments – /24 has special gill raker feature
LEIUG 114604 Martill & Hollingworth LBC pit, Calvert concretion with pectoral fin-rays and two radiales, also associated pectoral fin-ray, preopercular and cleithral fragments

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Oxford University and Peterborough Museum collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
OUMNH J.1803 ET Leeds, Woodstock Road dorsal fin spine – was on wall of his house until 1950 – as collected by his dad.
OUMNH J.1803/1 A.M. Bell, Balliol College 1894 OC of Wolvercote, NW of Oxford Lived in north Oxfordshire and donated occasional pieces.dorsal fin spine
PETMG F1 hyomandibula, dorsal fin spine, hypobranchial – other unaudited material at PETMG
PETMG F2 John Phillips 1425 – hypobranchial – other unaudited material at PETMG
PETMG F34 John Phillips King’s Dyke 1466 – partial skull with damaged remains of skull roof, branchial basket and jaws
PETMG F121 David Michael Martill 1984 Buntings Lane, near Farcet lepidotrichial fragments, including pectoral fin rays
PETMG F124 with F.121 – lepidotrichial fragments
PETMG F174 Liston/Dawn/Martill et al. 2001-2003 Star Pit, Whittlesey ARISTON – UNDER PREP. – paired pectoral fins (/10025, /10002), preopercles and hyomandibulae; fused parietals and paired dermopterotics; /2052 gill raker figured, /10004 right cleithrum, /182 left preopercle, /245 radiale I, /263 radiale II, /264 lpdt, dorsal fin spines, hypobranchial, ceratobranchial III, actinotrichia, ceratohyal, many gill rakers
PETMG R189 dorsal fin spine, hypobranchial – extracted from Muraenosaurus leedsi specimen.
(unnumbered) Alan Dawn Quest Pit, Stewartby fimbriated tip of dorsal fin spine

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Natural History Museum (London) collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
BMNH P.6921 1,133 “Associated series of bones, the type specimen…”***//”Bones of Leedsia 180 specimens” [part of batch] gill rakers (89), ceratobranchials (2 x first), epibranchials (2 x second plus 1 indet.), lepidotrichia, parietals, left cleithrum, cleithrum-like element, hypobranchials (4, 2 red), hypobranchial-like mass, distal actinotrichia (4), radiale II, radiale I, thin unknown, left ceratohyal, partial right ceratohyal, ?branched supraneural, ?bromalite/coprolite, associated Pachymylus tooth plate, 17 lengths of dfs (of which 10 red-marked), 1c-b + pec (mainly unprepared from the clay) + caudal fin-rays, 2 bones with callus breaks
BMNH P.6922 8 “”Preoperculum or clavicle”, doubtfully associated with above, described ibid. p.453, no.6.”//[as P.6921] right preopercle with 2 fragments
BMNH P.6923 27 “A pair of large flat bones, and two supposed “branchial arches”. (4)”//[as P.6921] 2 ceratobranchials with 2 unidentified cranial elements
BMNH P.6924 19 “Series of supposed “branchiostegal rays”, found associated. (10)”[as P.6921] dorsal fin spines (7)
BMNH P.6925 243 “Miscellaneous “branchiostegal rays”, one noticed loc. cit. p.453 (25)”[as P.6921] dorsal fin spines (30 plus frags- includes robust curved element from type description – possibly some from P6924, noting callus), proximal radials (11 plus frags), caudal fin ray fragments (11), left preopercular ramus, cleithral fragments, ?ceratohyal fragment, left ?maxillary fragment
BMNH P.6926 199 “Two associated portions of supposed branchial arches. (2)”[as P.6921] 2 ceratobranchials with pectoral fin ray fragments
BMNH P.6927 37 “Two associated undetermined bones. (2)”[as P.6921] cleithrum-like fragment, right ?preopercle-like bone (compare with Fig. 8.35 top) 575mm long plus 2 other preopercle-like fragments (probably from other specimens)
BMNH P.6928 35 “Associated series of bones. (12)”[as P.6921] proximal radial fragment, ceratobranchial, left ceratohyal, right anal fin support, dorsal fin spine fragment, 9 ‘tips’ plus V787-like bone
BMNH P.6929 83 “Associated fin-rays.”//[as P.6921] pectoral fin ray fragments
BMNH P.6930 352 “Miscellaneous bones.”//[as P.6921] epibranchial (1), left supramaxilla, both nasals, caudal fin rays, paired cleithrum-like frags-undeveloped???, ceratohyal (left), ceratobranchials (3), possible paired entopterygoids?, ridged dermatocranial element (postparietal?), roughened dermatocranial elements, possible dermopterotic, fragments of parasphenoid, ?small parietal?
BMNH P.8609 5 ” – (1)”//”unnamed fish plates and bones” right cleithrum with ?ceratobranchial fragment and two lepidotrichial fragments (one with ?callus)
BMNH P.8610 17 “gill-rakers. (12)”//”unnamed fish plates and bones” gill rakers (17)
BMNH P.10000 358+93+393+58 “Tail + associated bones (1)”//”A set of fish remains of Leedsia problematica” both caudal lobes, ?left pectoral fin fragment, pyritised ceratohyal, left hyomandibula, both cleithra, both epibranchial Is, 3 ceratobranchial fragments, parasphenoid, 2 ‘preopercle-esque’ bones, gill rakers (possibly one with ‘mesh’), lepidotrichial fragments, 3 ?pliosaur epipodials are associated with this specimen
BMNH P.10156 Many parts “Hyom. + br. arches. (1)”//”Leedsia problematica, hyomandibular + branchial arches” gill basket, left hyomandibula, ?pectoral fin rays, left preopercular ridge (with ?epibranchial fragment), both hypohyals, a left hypobranchial I, both hypobranchial IIs, both ceratobranchial Is, both ceratobranchial IIs, both ceratobranchial IIIs, both ceratobranchial IVs, basibranchial IV, fused ceratobranchial arch V, ?angular/?supraangular,
BMNH P.11823 405 “Hyomandibulars, branchials etc. (1)”//”Various bones of Leedsia, etc.” Pair of hyomandibulae, ?left ?parietal, ceratohyal, ?left ?subopercle, bone with large ?nerve canal, 3 hypobranchials, 6 ceratobranchials, 3 epibranchials (2 x I and 1 x II), boss-shaped bone, lepidotrichial fragments (probably non-pectoral)
BMNH P.11824 34 “Gular, epihyal, branchials, etc.(1)”//”Various bones of Leedsia, etc.” right parietal plus unidentified dermatocranial element (treated) PLUS London material….
BMNH P.11825 20 “Vertebral arches (1)”//”Various bones of Leedsia, etc.” Robust curved element (used as relative mass indicator ’34’) plus 12 ?dfs fragments including 5 fairly complete representatives
BMNH P.11826 7 “Fused ditto. (1)”//”Various bones of Leedsia, etc.” 3-way branching ?dorsal fin spine or ?fused supraneural
BMNH P.12534 16 “( 3 bones)”//part of 15 fish-remains left dermosphenotic,odd branched bone plus unidentified dermatocranial element
BMNH P.47412 61 Liverpool specimen – “dissociated bones” ceratohyal plus lepidotrichial fragment
BMNH P.66340 Alfred Nicholson Leeds (via Liverpool University/Museum) Leeds ’11’ left hypohyal, right dentary, ?angular/?supraangular, with unidentified element vaguely similar to ceratohyal
BMNH P.66341 Alfred Nicholson Leeds (via Liverpool University/Museum) dorsal fin spines (6, including 2 robust curved elements)
BMNH P.66342 Alfred Nicholson Leeds (via Liverpool University/Museum) dorsal fin spines (10 – 5 complete)
BMNH P.62054 Ivor Crowson 1985 Buntings Lane ?pectoral fin rays
BMNH 32581 Tesson of Caen 1857 Vaches Noire, Normandie cluster of disarticulated gill rakers
BMNH 46355 William Cunnington 1875 Christian Malford, Wilts Isolated fin ray fragment

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
GLAHM V3362 Alfred Leeds Before 1915 branching caudal fin ray (1225mm long)
GLAHM V3363 Alfred Leeds Before 1915 904 parts: 12 numbered and paired from January 1915 sale, left maxilla, left ceratohyal, left ?preopercle, left preopercular ridge, ‘ribs’, anal fin supports (5), proximal radials (8), right parietal, 5 hypobranchials, 4 ceratobranchials (parts 6 & 7), ?4 epibranchials (parts 9 & 10), dorsal fin spines (63), 2-way branching fused supraneural, robust curved elements (6), cleithral fragment (part 8 – former ‘dentary’), 2 ?hyomandibulae (parts 1 & 5), caudal fin ray fragments, 2 gill-rakers, callus broken bone, unidentified dermatocranial elements (paired 12 & 4), 11 unidentified bone, butterfly’ bone (pathological cleithum?), basiocciput
GLAHM 109518 + 109519 JJ Liston Jul-02 Wallücke isolated ray fragments
GLAHM 132787 D Gielen 2004 Cap de la Heve, Normandie single gill raker plus many lepidotrichia

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in National Museums Wales collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
NMGW 19.96.G8 Alfred Leeds no.25 1885-1917 Peterborough district 68 parts: 2 hypobranchials, 3 ceratobranchials, left preopercular ridge, pectoral fin rays
NMGW 19.96.G9 Alfred Leeds 1885-1917 Peterborough district 12 parts: robust curved element (’20’), dorsal fin spines (8, only 1 incomplete)

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Kendal Museum collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
KMG 1993.72 Alfred Leeds Via ET Leeds 1885-1917 Peterborough district 2 parts of a concretionary nodule with chunk of caudal fin

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Karlsruhe Museum collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
SMNK 2573.PAL Guillermo Chong 1998 Quebrada Corral, Chile disarticulated gill rakers

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Museo de Arqueologia, Antofagasta collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
I-190173 Geological prospector Jan-73 east of Antofagasta disarticulated gill rakers
I8-021173 Geological prospector Nov-73 east of Antofagasta articulated series of gill rakers

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
(unnumbered) G. Arratia & H-P Schultze 1994 Quebrada del Profeta, Chile gill rakers plus unprepared material

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Museum der Universität Tübingen collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
(unnumbered) Alfred Leeds via Sturtz of Bonn 1898-1915 Peterborough district 2 parts: Left parietal, ~420mm long with clump of half a dozen gill rakers on underside
(unnumbered) Alfred Leeds via Sturtz of Bonn 1898-1915 Peterborough district 6 parts: Fractured robust curved element ~85mm across {‘Fische unbestimmt Malm’}, 2 dorsal fin spines, 1 curved ‘hand sickle’ element, 1 broken bone callus

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Westfalisches Museum, Munster collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
WMfN PM 17006/8 Metzdorfer, Metz, Breitkreutz et al. July 1982-November 1983 Wallücke hypobranchial
WMfN PM 17006/1 Metzdorfer, Metz, Breitkreutz et al. July 1982-November 1983 Wallücke (?caudal) fin rays with possible traces of tendons
WMfN PM 17005/2 Metzdorfer, Metz, Breitkreutz et al. July 1982-November 1983 Wallücke distal extremities of 2 ?dorsal fin rays
WMfN PM 17005/23 Metzdorfer, Metz, Breitkreutz et al. July 1982-November 1983 Wallücke piece with texture like crest of hyomandibula or edge of parietal
WMfN PM 17005/24 Metzdorfer, Metz, Breitkreutz et al. July 1982-November 1983 Wallücke possible opercular series of plates

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Paleospace, Villers-sur-mer, France collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
61 M. Charles 1980s Vaches Noire, Normandie three ceratobranchial fragments

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Booth Museum, Brighton collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
21576 AF Griffith Oct-18 Peterborough district fin ray fragment
21577 AF Griffith Oct-18 Peterborough district ceratobranchial fragments
21578 AF Griffith Oct-18 Peterborough district ceratobranchial fragments
21579 AF Griffith Oct-18 Peterborough district ceratobranchial fragments
21584 AF Griffith Oct-18 Peterborough district cleithrum

Details of Leedsichthys specimens in Peabody Museum, Yale collections.

Accession No. Collector Date Locality Description
YPM R2/C2-5 Alfred Leeds via OC Marsh 1888 Peterborough district Dorsal fin spines